A chestnut festival

From the humble chestnut great festivals come! Autumn is truly here, all the vines have turned  glorious shades of gold and amber and the leaves are gently falling from the trees. The air has a distinct chill although there is still a glint of sunshine peeking from behind the thin clouds. We wrapped up warm and headed for the local chestnut festival. I love chestnuts and they are delicious eaten direct from the brazier.

My friend tucking in. Food always seems to taste better eaten out of newspaper

chestnut confiture anyone?

Delicious spice flavoured cakes
The French really love their garlic

We finished up by taking some chestnuts back home and making a great recipe with Guinea Fowl, chestnuts, marmalade and orange juice cooked in a slow cooker. Accompanied of course by some local red wine.

Wishing you all a great Autumnal week-end.

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  1. 29th October 2011 / 00:19

    Roasting chestnuts sing autumn and even make winter look beguiling! Gorgeous photos!

  2. 29th October 2011 / 11:51

    No fair posting that nougat, now off to my local market. Must.have. LIke chestnuts best glacéed. Guess I’m revealing a serious sweet tooth! Isn’t autumn the most wonderful season!

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