A delicious and nutritious chicken recipe. This slow-cooked tarragon chicken with leeks, carrots, garlic, celery and kale really hits the spot 🌿
This lovely slow-cooked dish is bursting with flavour 🌿
It has excellent prebiotic veggies that support a healthy gut microbiome and a nourishing chicken broth, to support a healthy gut lining.🌿
Bone broth naturally contains gelatine, chondroitin and other nutrients helpful for gut health and immunity. You can use vegetable stock if you prefer.🌿
Garlic has antibacterial properties and may help boost us against viruses 🧄
Enjoy your day while this slowly cooks it’s delicious served with red or brown rice 😋
How to make the slow-cooked tarragon chicken dish
1 large chicken
3 leeks sliced
4 sticks of celery sliced
4- 6 carrots peeled and chopped
1 large onion finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic peeled and chopped
2 tablespoons almond butter
zest of 1 lemon and juice ½ lemon
1 bunch of fresh tarragon stalks removed and roughly chopped
a couple of handfuls of torn kale/spinach
Enough stock (vegetable or chicken) to nearly cover the chicken in the pot. I left the top of the breast uncovered so that the skin would go brown.
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Gently saute the leeks, celery, carrots, onion and garlic in a le Creuset dish or similar for 10 minutes, place the chicken in the pot and cover with stock (lovely with homemade chicken stock). Add some dried Provencal herbs and a sprig of tarragon. Bring to a simmer, cover and put into an oven at 140C conventional/120C fan oven for 4 hours. You can also put this into a slow cooker and cook for 14 – 18 hours (putting the chicken in then adding the hot stock and veg).
Take the chicken out of the pot, allow to cool and shred it off the bone. Put back into the pot.
Add the almond butter, lemon juice and zest and tarragon leaves to the pot and season to taste. Stir in the torn kale or spinach and mix through for a few minutes.
Serve with steamed greens and brown rice.
A delicious and nutritious chicken recipe
I made this recipe yesterday for Sunday lunch and it was absolutely delicious. I would highly recommend it.

You can contact Emma at Emma Marshall Nutrition. She works globally via Zoom. She offers a free 15-minute consultation (the UK by phone, globally via Zoom) details here. You can also follow her on Instagram where she shares some of her delicious recipes.
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