A guided tour of St.Tropez market June 2022

cushions in St. Tropez market

A guided tour of St.Tropez market June 2022

Well I am back in Grimaud and it is very hot here. It is taking me a while to acclimatise as it is also quite humid. I did manage to get up early on Tuesday, market day, and catch the bus into St.Tropez. The market was extremely busy for this time of year. It was difficult to take photos but I captured some of my favourite stalls. I trust that the images below will give you a flavour of the stalls at this time of year.

Above is a photo of my favourite interior shop. It is situated on one of the side streets that lead to the Place des Lices where the market is held. I thought that the cushions were really fun and colourful.

St.Tropez market

Such a typical St.Tropez look. You see many women of all ages wearing white dresses and tops with wide belts and straw hats both in the village and on the beach. Not sure it is a look that I would copy but I have seen it done quite well.

Linen dresses in St.Tropez market June22

Linen and cotton dresses are the best choices to wear when the temperatures and this high. Loose, floaty and comfortable. Can be worn on their own or with linen trousers. Accessorised with long rope and bead necklaces. Again a very classic St.Tropez look.

Linen dresses in St. Tropez market

More linen dresses in bright colours and abstract prints.

A guided tour of St.Tropez market June 2022

Panama hats. St. Tropez market

Panama hats, again a classic for the “St.Tropez” look. Worn by both men and women. I wear mine nearly every day.

wicker baskets in St.Tropez market

Straw baskets. Essential for a French woman’s daily shopping. I am off to the local market with my basket this morning.

cotton shawls in St.Tropez merket

Colourful cotton throws. They are used as a wrap on the beach, for picnics and as table cloths.

Scarves and dress in St.Tropez market

An abundance of scarves in all colours. My favourite scarf stall.

Blue print maxi dress St.Tropez market

One of the nicest maxi dresses I have seen this season. I really love the colour. Similar

St. Tropez shops

Finally a post on St.Tropez market would not be complete without a photo of the flower stall.

I hope you enjoyed this guided tour of St.Tropez market June 2022. You might also enjoy my post on the market from last April.


  1. Jeanne McCarty
    17th June 2022 / 16:58

    I loved this post and the bright beautiful colors.

  2. Penelope Harwood
    17th June 2022 / 18:20

    I have such fond memories of visiting the St. Tropez market. Thank you for your take. The pics are so lovely. It seems a long way from the west coast of Canada!

  3. Carol
    17th June 2022 / 18:27

    Thank you for sharing St. Tropez market information. I’ve been to Paris several times, but I’ve not visited other places in France. I am going to put St. Tropez on my list along with the Champagne region. I don’t like to be in overly crowded places, so am I correct in guessing that April and May would be better times to visit St. Tropez to avoid the masses? I just read that Grimaud is a neighboring village to St. Tropez. Is Grimaud where you spend summer?

    • 18th June 2022 / 09:50

      Hello Carol
      You are correct April and May are very good times to visit St.Tropez. Definitely avoid from 15th July to 1st September (French holidays) as the traffic is very bad. June is normally quite nice but this year is very hot. We also like to come here in September/October and we have been known to spend Christmas here.

  4. Julia
    17th June 2022 / 19:50

    So beautiful ! Thanks Josephine for a lovely tour, I wish I could be there right now! It’s raining in Canada!

  5. Jeannie
    18th June 2022 / 17:14

    Hello from Texas! I love the St. Tropez look since it’s certainly suitable for our summer climate. I’m thinking of using some of the fashion ideas for the home and myself. I especially like the navy and white striped linen dress and the textured blue and green pillow. My husband and I did a tour of France several years ago and enjoyed ourselves immensely.

  6. Diane Hurst
    5th May 2024 / 17:17

    When i was there last year at the market I brought the grand daughters all back the thick navy and crème stripe T-shirts…they were like $17 each and they love them !! Would love to “order” more! And chance you know how???

    • 16th May 2024 / 10:43

      Hello Diane
      I am afraid that I only know that the stripe tops are sold my the market traders in St.Tropez market. You can buy them from Petit Bateau and Boden have some but the would be more expensive.

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