A review of one of my favourite brands

Grey cashmere blend dress and scarf

Today I thought that I would write a review of one of my favourite brands. Hopefashionuk is definitely one of them. I was first introduced to Hope five years ago. I remember going to the launch party and interviewing the founder Nayna. What struck me was how passionate she was about starting the business. She talked about how she wanted to create clothes for women over 40 that they would enjoy wearing and that would allow them to feel confident and beautiful. You can read this interview here.

Our figure shapes begin to change in midlife and styles that had once worked for us no longer do. Nayna understands this and creates clothes that are adaptable and easy to wear. The pieces can be dressed up or down. I also find that I can mix items from different seasons together as they are timeless. I still have Hope garments in my wardrobe from five years ago. Even though I edit my wardrobe twice a year the Hope clothes always seem to survive the cull.

In the photo above I am wearing their cashmere blend knitted dress and coordinating scarf. I have never been a great fan of knitted dresses as they always seemed to cling in all the wrong places so I was agreeably surprised when I tried this lovely soft grey one. I found it extremely flattering on my pear-shaped figure. As we are all currently spending more time indoors and as Winter approaches this dress would keep you warm and cosy all day. I have teamed it with their matching stripe scarf.

Asymmetric hem dress from Hopefashionuk

My second choice from the current collection was this double layer asymmetric hem dress. Underneath I am wearing a viscose blend roll neck sweater in black. It is a great layering piece and definitely added some warmth on a very windy day.

Cashmere bland sweater and grey satin trousers by Hopefashionuk

Finally, I wanted to show you Hope’s lovely wide satin lounge trousers in charcoal grey which I have teamed with their cashmere blend drape knit sweater.

Entering the world of Hope feels like becoming part of a family. They offer a @Hopestylist (a very useful styling service). Especially useful during this time as most of us are choosing to do our shopping online. I know I am. They also hold a virtual coffee morning every two weeks on a Thursday morning via Zoom where you can view the collection and see the styles modelled on different size women.

Hope is a collection of wearable and stylish clothes in quality fabrics and fluid designs created for real body shapes and proportions.

Disclaimer: This post “A review of one of my favourite brands” is not sponsored. However, I was lent the clothes for photographic purposes and offered one piece as a gift. I chose the cashmere blend drape knit sweater.

Photographs were taken by Laura Hines. Follow her on Instagram


  1. Jo Johnston
    23rd October 2020 / 16:14

    The satin trouser outfit is so very chic! I can certainly see why you kept the draped sweater. It suits you!

    • 23rd October 2020 / 18:55

      Hello Jo
      Yes it is a lovely sweater and very soft.

    • L.A. Expat
      2nd November 2020 / 12:08

      I too am a huge Hope Fashion fan and have clothes from their beginning 5 years ago! Nayna and her staff are brilliant!

  2. Ann
    23rd October 2020 / 16:35

    I love both the sweater and the asymmetric hem dress β€” also, love this hair cut on you!

    • 23rd October 2020 / 18:55

      Thanks, Ann. I thought my hair was looking a bit distray in the photos as it was a very windy day.

  3. Kim Watt
    23rd October 2020 / 16:57

    Love the trousers and sweater. Just ordered!

    • 23rd October 2020 / 18:54

      Hi Kim
      Hope you like them They are lovely

  4. Maisie
    23rd October 2020 / 17:21

    You look beautiful in all the outfits ! I’m tempted, but I see that sadly Hope Fashions do not deliver to the rest of Europe. MY hopes are dashed !

    • 23rd October 2020 / 18:53

      Hi Maisie
      I am sorry about that. I thought that they did ship to Europe. The ship to the USA and Australia which is a bit strange

  5. Lauren
    24th October 2020 / 01:38

    I love the look of the sweater and the dress but there is no colour choice πŸ™

  6. Nicole Kowalski
    24th October 2020 / 07:29

    I thought they did ship to the US, but no options. Looks like only UK and Isle of Mann! Too bad, some lovely things, but limited shipping.

    • 24th October 2020 / 08:47

      Hello Nicole
      Hope do ship to the US. You need to go to the top right-hand corner on the website where there is a UK flag. Click on this and there is a drop-down menu. Click on the US flag then the item you are interested in and the price will come up in dollars. Hope this helps.

      • Nicole Kowalski
        24th October 2020 / 23:24

        Thank you! User error apparently!

  7. Isa
    24th October 2020 / 16:51

    But no shipping to Canada! It always strikes me as odd when a British company ships to the US but not here πŸ™

  8. Christine
    24th October 2020 / 21:05

    Such beautiful outfits and they also look so wearable. Also Canadian and so buying from the UK is expensive with shipping and duties.

  9. Carolyn Hall
    28th October 2020 / 15:29

    You often recommend this brand but they do not do small sizes! Can you suggest to them that they might do a 6 or an 8 please?

    • 28th October 2020 / 18:12

      Hello Carolyn
      Hope sizing is very different. I would have thought that their “Slim” would work for you. They are a very friendly company and they offer a lot of styling advice so I would suggest that you contact them direct. They have a zoom coffee morning every Thursday and https://www.hopefashion.co.uk/uk/hope-stylist/ where they can advise you on styles that should work for you. If you like one of their styles it is worth trying. They offer free returns.

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