Last Sunday was cold and windy, however, I could not resist a trip to the local Brocante at Jas des Roberts. Much of the stock that the merchants have on offer comes from clearing attics in old houses. These markets are commonly known in France as Vide-
When we first bought our small apartment about nine years ago most of our furniture was purchased at this Brocante. If you learn how to barter you can pick up some good bargains.

I love the white table and chairs, they are so typical of this area.

If you are a fan of vintage and have a good eye for a real bargain this is definitely the place to go. You will need to check carefully and watch out for the fakes.

Baskets galore. I am rarely without one of these straw

I don’t take selfies however here I managed to take one without meaning to. We have a similar mirror on the wall of our bedroom and a bedside table (like the one on right, the one on the left seems to be missing some draws).

If you are a collector of fine china. This is the place to go. I can imagine my grandmother having a set of tea and coffee cups similar to the ones above.

I spotted some quite decent sunglasses at this stall.

My friend captured a photo of me taking a photo! If I had room for it I would have been very tempted by this elegant chest.

Should I or shouldn’t I buy these earrings. They are a bit large but as they were only one euro I thought that I would give them a try. The chunky pink scarf I am wearing is a recent purchase from St.Tropez market.
Wow what a fabulous place to spend a Sunday afternoon, just my cup of tea, happy bargain hunting,
Asa magpie in a former life this sort of place I find fascinating. However I have reached the age when I am trying to de-clutter. I should really be manning a stall here!!
I love that scarf. I hope there will be similar (if not that one!) in your collection?
Hi Elizabeth
Yes, it is a lovely scarf. The only trouble is that it seems to moult and sheds wool which sticks to my sweaters. I will be going back to St.Tropez market next Tuesday and will look for similar in better quality.
I love the regular blogs and am looking forward to the nutritional advice
I live permanently in France, so I’m a real fan of Sunday brocantes ! The bedside table isn’t missing draws, some are made this way for the books of a nighttime reader ( like me!) I’m a recent follower of your blog, and I really enjoy it.
Hello Gillian
Thank you for letting me know about the bedside table, very interesting. What a good idea. That explains why it looked in good condition.
I love your blog- makes me want to be in France! Do you know Good cooking schools in the Loire Valley or near Avaignon?
So very French, going to the market with a straw basket. They even manage to make the wheely basket look stylish.
I love brocante and vide-greniers, but now that we’ve downsized from a house to an apartment, my barbotine plates and two sets of service for 12 sit in storage. It certainly was fun collecting!
Red is so flattering on you!