Categories: General fashion

Beauty and the beast

The sun may be fun but it has it’s dangers!

I was extremely hesitant about writing this post as the main purpose of this blog is to inspire women of a certain age to continue to have fun with fashion in a way that is true to themselves and to lead a lifestyle that is as rich and as full as they choose it to be according to their own unique circumstances.  To care and look after themselves with a little pampering and indulgence wherever possible. To keep things light hearted and playful with tips and advice that I have acquired whilst working in the fields of fashion and coaching.
However my experience this week has caused me to think more deeply. Let me throw some clarity on the situation and explain how a very small spot on the tip of my nose can cause such deep reflection on what is really important in my life. This spot took up residence on the end of my nose in about June. At first I thought it was just a pimple and ignored it (with the assistance of various different camouflage creams). It still persisted acquiring a rather unsightly scab. This is probably enough, you get the picture.  I did put some antiseptic cream on thinking by this stage it was just an infected spot. Still it clung persistently to my nose (more camouflage cream).
It seemed too small to make a fuss about. It was the look of horror on the face of the local pharmacist in France when I went to buy some more cream and told him the spot had been there about three month. “Mais vous devez aller chez le medecin immediatement” (you need to see a Doctor as soon as possible). So I did when I returned to London. At first he said there was nothing to worry about but on the third visit (you need perseverance) referred me to a dermatologist.
I saw the Dermatologist yesterday and in her opinion this small innocent looking spot may well be  carcinogenic, in other words a small localised skin cancer. It is something about the “C” word that can be very scary. She has referred me to a Plastic Surgeon who I see next week when it will be removed or at least a biopsy done.
I will keep you posted that is if you have any interest in the small spot or lesion on the end of my nose. That is not really the intended reason for writing this post it is more that this tiny little spot is like a wake up call. There were some inspiring posts written recently by some of my favourite bloggers entitled “God is in the detail”.  However small and insignificant something may seem it could be of great importance. Stay awake and pay attention. You are very important and significant.
Now I always wear a hat, sunglasses and factor 50 but I didn’t in my teenage years we used to rub in olive oil and bake in the sun for hours.
Please feel free to pass this on to anybody to whom you think it may be relevant to. I know we talk a lot about wearing sunscreen and protecting our skin from the sun but do we really take it seriously. This is very real and skin cancer is statistically on the increase. We need to spread the word and take good care of ourselves.

Thank you for visiting. I very much appreciate your comments so I look forward to hearing from you. If you are on email subscription please click on title to go through to blog and leave comment.

Fashion and Style, Beauty tips, Lifestyle

I write a fashion and beauty blog for women over 50 with the aim of inspiring mature women to continue to enjoy and have fun with their fashion choices. I have spent most of my working life in some way connected to fashion. I started my career in Fashion PR and then trained as an Image Consultant when my children were young. I subsequently worked in the corporate world running seminars, doing private coaching and speaking at conferences. I started my blog in 2009 as I wanted to share my years of experience working in the world of fashion. I truly believe we can continue to have confidence in the way we present ourselves. Our style may evolve with time and changing lifestyles, yet with a little knowledge and inspiration, we can all continue to have fun with fashion. As women of a certain age we are a growing demographic let us prove that we can also be a chic one.

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  • Hello!

    first time comment :-)

    It is sooo difficult - my parents both love taking sunbaths and my father had a melanoma removed on his cheek. He knows he should not enjoy the sun like he did but it is so hard to change the habit.
    As a teen, we used nut-oil as sunscreen. It was a product you would buy at the local pharmacy!
    It took years for my father to go to see a doctor.

    My parents always worried because I am pale and prefer to stay in the shade (a tan never lasts on my skin, so I thought it's not worth all the effort). They thought I am not healthy. Now my "healthy" looking father was not that healthy at all. It is sooo difficult, because a whole generation grow up in believe that sunbathing is good for your health. Vitamine D etc.
    Gwyneth Paltrow once dedicated a posting on her newsletter (GOOP) to Vitamine D. She had protected her skin from sunrays 100% and ended up having a Vitamine D deficit. Today dermatolgists reommend a daily dose of 15-20 minutes in the sun, without protection, but only in the morning sun, before noon, this keeps your Vitamine D status on a healthy level.
    I liked how Gwyneth admitted how she also learned that what we took for granted and believed in can change.
    I guess the 100% protection for young, healthy people is not the best solution.

    I am glad you went to see the doctor and even more important, that you were so persistent!

    I keep my fingers crossed that your pimple turns out to be a pimple in the end!

    best wishes, Paula

  • Went through the same thing - you are smart to try to catch it early. I waited and had to have MOHs surgery and a skin graf. My nose has healed - scar and all. I am now the poster girl for sunscreen for my grandchildren. "put your sunscreen on or you'll end up with a nose like grandma.".

    Living in southern California I have to be very careful. I have no interest in this product - but I now don't go out without sunscreen, hat, and my bekogear nose guard. I get asked every day about my beak.

  • I also hope your worries turn out to be alright in the end. One can't help but wonder if skin screening should be routine after a certain age, just as breast screening is after the age of 50 in the UK, as I seem to know more and more 60+ people with these sort of skin problems. Luckily, unless it's ignored for years, it seems to be manageable.

    I feel lucky now that I listened to my Italian mother's advice on sun tanning, which was based purely on snobbery - her generation related a dark tan to peasants who worked in the fields all day, and lighter complexions were deemed more aristocratic as the wealthy could afford the luxury of not working and therefore avoiding the sun. Whilst I cannot condone this attitude now, I must admit as an easily influenced teenager I did avoid the dark tan look for these snobbish reasons. Even now when I hear English women admiring eachother's lobster tans, I cannot help but feel a little smug!

    I hope all turns out well for you.

  • Thanks be to that pharmacist! My mother had a small localized skin cancer on her nose; it was removed and no further problems (she lived to 99.)

    I too roasted without any caution through my teens and twenties; we thought it was good for us! To this day my first response is "nice tan", but I never sunbathe anymore.

  • You are an inspiration to us all. When in class you drew the Judgement card for the spot and The Moon for the blog, we thought you would dig deep and share a wake up call moment. Reading your blog I can see the power of your writing you have touched us all with truth.

    Sending you love and healing thoughts Annabelle

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