Beauty at any age

Beauty style and empowerment for older women

I have a large collection of books on style and image. I have been collecting them since the early 80s.

Due to lack of space I have recycled many and only kept the few that have stood the test of time. Although many are excellent, none of them addresses our older demographic. Tricia Cusden’s book Living the life more fabulous is the first book to really understand our age group and offer inspiring and practical advice on how we can continue to live chic and fulfilling lives.

Tricia is the founder of Lookfabulousforever. A makeup brand with products specially formulated for older women. I have long been a fan of her makeup and use it every day. Tricia and I worked together last year on a video interview. Watch it here.

The book covers beauty, style, haircare, confidence, fitness, food and how to continue to live a fabulous life at any age. On a practical level Tricia talks about how to transition to gey hair and tips on how to dress for special occasions. She also includes inspiring stories of how women have transformed not only their looks but have had the courage to take risks in order to live the life of their dreams.

Tricia’s philosophy on life and the ageing process is similar to mine. We both believe that in order to grow old gracefully we need to accept the ageing process and live every day to the fullest. We may well have spent a large part of our lives looking after others. Now is the time to nurture ourselves.

Let us take pride in our appearance, enhance our older faces with flattering makeup and choose to wear clothes we love.

photo credit Simon Songhurst

Tricia wearing her Lookfabulousforever make-up. Her skin has a cool undertone so she looks better in the cool-toned makeup shades. The importance of choosing makeup that suits your skin tone, whether cool or warm, is explained at length in her book.

Photo credit Simon Songhurst

I love the coat and hat Tricia is wearing. The outfit definitely conforms to the “chic esthetic”. If you are slightly lost in the sartorial stakes there is an excellent the chapter on “Fabulous style” which offers good advice on how to style your figure type.

I find the style advice in the book extremely practical and accessible. There is a growing trend in social media to feature older women, which is admirable. However many of them wear what I would term as flamboyant clothes. I prefer to see real women (ref page 69) wearing outfits better suited to our everyday lives.

Tricia is an excellent role model. She tells us it is never too late to make changes in our lives. To embrace an exercise regime that suits us and to choose to eat food that nourishes our bodies.

This book is definitely a “keeper” and in my opinion will be an invaluable resource as the years advance.

The book is available to purchase at Lookfabulousforever.

I am off this evening to Covent Garden to celebrate the launch of the book. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram to join in the party.


I write a fashion and beauty blog for women over 50 with the aim of inspiring mature women to continue to enjoy and have fun with their fashion choices. I have spent most of my working life in some way connected to fashion. I started my career in Fashion PR and then trained as an Image Consultant when my children were young. I subsequently worked in the corporate world running seminars, doing private coaching and speaking at conferences. I started my blog in 2009 as I wanted to share my years of experience working in the world of fashion. I truly believe we can continue to have confidence in the way we present ourselves. Our style may evolve with time and changing lifestyles, yet with a little knowledge and inspiration, we can all continue to have fun with fashion. As women of a certain age we are a growing demographic let us prove that we can also be a chic one.

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  • Love her hair! Back in the 80's when we were all having our "colors" done I was told I was a Winter. Dark hair and eyes with pale skin. I am finding now that those colors don't seem to suit me. My hair has blond hilights and my skin is much sallower. Other than jade green those jewel colors look very harsh. I'm really at a loss about what colors to wear. My entire wardrobe seems to consist of BLACK as that is the one color that consistently looks good. Any suggestions and does the book help address the color issue? Thanks!

    • Hi Lisa B
      I think that the colours that suit you do change over time. I find that since my hair has gone grey I look better in brighter lighter tones whereas before I used to choose deeper more muted colours. There are some tips for deciding on colour on page 47 of the book. I don't think that your underlying skin tone changes (warm or cool) However if you want further guidance it might be worth getting your colours re-done by a qualified image consultant.

  • Hi Jeannine
    Tricia made a conscious decision to us the word "old". She wants to challenge steriotypes. A certain age is not very specific. Her philosophy is to celebrate getting older and not fear it or hide from it but to acknowlege and enbrace it. In reality we are getting older let us not be ashamed of that fact.

  • I also have a large collection of books on style and image. Can see another being added!

    I agree with Jeannine re women of a "certain age". I don't think of 50 year olds as being "old" for instance .

    A friend once remarked "Who wants to be 80?".

    My answer: a 79 year old!!

  • I have pre-ordered Tricia's book, cant wait for it to arrive now, she looks 'fabulous' in the photos.

    • I agree it's time we stop tip-toeing around the word "old", that just perpetuates the idea that old is bad. I think it's better to confront it.

  • Good answer to your friend's question Eirlys. On page 139 of the book Tricia explains why she decided to use the words "older woman" in her marketing. I agree with her when she says that "a woman of a certain age" had a slightly different connotation in France. I think that is because the french have a different culture and attitute towards older women. Many other cultures have a different perspective on aging for both men and women, take Japan for example where older people are valued and respected. I know this from a personal perspective as my son's wife is half Japanese and her 90+ grandmother is very well cared for and venerated for her wisdom. There are many other cultures that have the same attitude. It seems to be ours that see older women as invisible. Not that I have ever paid any notice to this and don't seem to have that experience.

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