Early Gift ideas to help you get organised.

Early Gift ideas to help you get organised.

For some of us it may be a bit early to start thinking of gifts for the upcoming celebratory season. This year I am beginning to feel a bit stressed…

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Ideal gifts for the festive season.

Ideal gifts for the festive season.

I know it is early to start planning for Christmas, however I thought that I would write a post today highlighting a selection of ideal gifts for the festive season.…

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Gifts for men

Gifts for men

I find that men can be the hardest to buy for. In my opinion, they seem to take a more practical approach to gifts. Maybe they are not as tempted…

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Gifts for women

Gifts for women

I find that buying gifts for women is the easiest and fun part of Christmas. I really enjoy buying presents for my daughter, daughter in law and female friends. All…

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Details of the above: Top row: Mouse trap game / Tiger / Cleudo board game / Drawing coding robot. Middle row: With my daddy tiger book / Classic lego kit…

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