Hairstyle update

St. Tropez haircut

Following all your lovely comments regarding my relatively new St.Tropez haircut I thought I would give you an update on my latest “hair look”. Whilst on one of my visits to the market last week I popped in to the JeanLouisDavid salon and Sandra gave my hair a quick trim. She left it roughly the same length just tidying up the back and fringe plus taking some weight from the top.

Pink scarf from market similar US and UK. Earrings some years old similar.

St. Tropez haircut

She also treated it with a colour gloss to add more shine. Sometimes grey hair can look a little dull. This will slowly fade over the next four months without showing any demarkation lines.

She then styled it casually by just running her fingers through my hair whilst using the hairdryer. Incredibly quick and easy and adds a touch of bounce.


Now for my routine. I wash my hair approximately twice a week using L’Oreal serie expert silver shampoo. The shampoo is a deep purple (reminiscent of the traditional blue rinse popular in my mother’s day). It helps to keep my hair a silvery tone and prevents it going that horrid brassy colour. I then add Kerastase discipline fondant fluidealiste conditioner. This helps to tame my hair and stop it going frizzy, which it tends to do when the weather is damp or humid.

If I want a bit of shine I will use Kerastase Chroma cristal shine perfecting mist after blow drying. As I like my hair slightly tousled I blow dry my fringe while damp but leave the rest of my hair to air dry to about 80% and then smooth it with a medium size roller brush.

Finally if it is a bit windy or damp I give my hair a spritz with L’Oreal tecni Art fix design. I find it softer than the traditional hair spray. You can still run you fingers through your hair without that sticky feeling .



PS. Apologies to my email subscribers if you were not able to open my last post on my visit to St. Tropez market. I upgraded my blog which caused the tech gremlins to cause problems! If you want to catch up with my antics in the market click here.


  1. Lizer Pearl
    1st May 2017 / 06:25

    All I can say is WoW! Your hair looks absolutely amazing!

    Lizer Pearl

  2. Margo
    1st May 2017 / 08:58

    Josephine that style is great it is so modern and casual I am going to show it to my hairdresser to see if she can do something a bit like that as I won’t be in St Tropez any time soon! They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
    Enjoy your break

    • 1st May 2017 / 09:50

      Hi Margo
      I am very flattered to be imitated. You might like to tell your hairdresser that mine used a type of razor to cut the layers. It seems to give them more movement and bounce. Not sure all hairdressers are trained to cut with a razor. Good luck

  3. WendyB
    1st May 2017 / 15:43

    Love the hair! Very modern and feminine!

  4. Dawn
    1st May 2017 / 15:55

    Beautiful! So elegant and put together while being fresh and youthful. Love it!

  5. Wendy
    1st May 2017 / 15:57

    Like Margo, I am thinking of showing those pictures to my hairdresser and asking her if she can do something similar! It’s a great style, very natural looking. That white top/pink scarf combo is a real winner on you. I might copy that too!

  6. Viv Butler
    1st May 2017 / 16:21

    I think the French are brilliant cutters, hard to find an English salon that razor cuts. Looking forward to my next visit to Arras for a hairdo at Dessange. Super hairdo, but then you have lovely thick hair ! Always looks good and no ‘hat hair ‘ !

  7. Christine
    1st May 2017 / 16:59

    You look fabulous. Love the hair, as everyone says it looks natural, youthful as well as being a ‘style’ if you know what I mean. That pink scarf and earrings are a lovely too. Looking very fresh and summery.

  8. Duchesse
    1st May 2017 / 18:08

    Wonderful cut, so chic!

    • 2nd May 2017 / 08:58

      Thank you Duchesse for your flattering comment.

  9. Elizabeth Edser
    1st May 2017 / 20:56

    I took one of your recent pictures to my hairdresser a couple of weeks ago and asked her to cut my hair like yours. I’m SO pleased with it and had lots of compliments. Thank you for your inspiration

  10. Anna Brown
    2nd May 2017 / 08:29

    What does this hair style look like when not styled?

    • 2nd May 2017 / 08:57

      Hi Anna
      The answer to your question is pretty good. I have tried it by just running my fingers through my hair as it is drying. I am lucky in that I have naturally wavy hair which helps. My fringe does need some help otherwise it can look a bit frizzy. If I am in a hurry I sometimes just wet it slightly, brush to one side and hold with a clip. This tends to straighten it.

  11. Wendy in York
    2nd May 2017 / 10:09

    I do like this messy chic look . When I try it with my fine ,flicky hair , I just get the messy without the chic 🙂

  12. 2nd May 2017 / 10:10

    You might like to ask your hairdresser if there are products you could use that might help. They can make a big difference.

  13. Letizia
    2nd May 2017 / 10:26

    Very nice cut! You look do chic and smart

  14. Jacqueline
    16th May 2017 / 16:23

    your hair! The color, the cut, and easy to care for! You look fabulous!

  15. Suzanne Cheshire
    27th March 2018 / 12:54

    I’m also taking your photo to my hairdresser. Just love that style. Also love those French shop windows, are you going back when they open !

    • 27th March 2018 / 13:01

      HI Suzanne
      Afraid I did not have time to go back and it is a very expensive shop. I will be back again in two weeks time so maybe then.
      I have some new photos of my hairstyle being published this Friday.

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