Categories: lifestyle

Looking forward to living fully in 2016

Looking back on 2015 and wondering what the road ahead has in store for us.


Which brings me to the question how much control do we really have over our destiny. There will be decisions that we make which will certainly influence the direction we may take. There are also likely to be events that come from left field and can easily knock us off course. My late brother had a wonderful way of putting it. If things went awry he always used to say “Events, dear boy events!”

One of my favourite verses is-:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

I think that the last line is one of the most difficult distinctions to make. So often we seem to resist and fight the things in life that we cannot change. This creates a tremendous amount of tension and wasted energy.

I am not a great fan of New Years resolutions, somehow they never seem to turn out the way I had planned. So I shall choose to live my life from day to day moment to moment. This does not mean that I will not make every effort to learn, grow and continue on the road of good habits both mentally and physically. It just means that I will always be starting from where I am which makes sense if you think about it because there is no other place you can possibly start from; whatever has happened in the past is in the past.

I shall continue to meditate using Headspace as I have done for the last two years. This helps me to stay centred and make decisions with more clarity.

I have a couple of voucher codes for a months free trial. If you are interested in taking up this practice leave me a comment or email me direct at chicatanyage(at) 







I write a fashion and beauty blog for women over 50 with the aim of inspiring mature women to continue to enjoy and have fun with their fashion choices. I have spent most of my working life in some way connected to fashion. I started my career in Fashion PR and then trained as an Image Consultant when my children were young. I subsequently worked in the corporate world running seminars, doing private coaching and speaking at conferences. I started my blog in 2009 as I wanted to share my years of experience working in the world of fashion. I truly believe we can continue to have confidence in the way we present ourselves. Our style may evolve with time and changing lifestyles, yet with a little knowledge and inspiration, we can all continue to have fun with fashion. As women of a certain age we are a growing demographic let us prove that we can also be a chic one.

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  • As a recovering alcoholic (26 years sober!) I can attest that the Serenity Prayer pretty much sums it up for me. There are days, moments even, when I say it to myself over and over. It's main message is one of ACCEPTANCE. I do not believe "everything happens for a reason" i.e. pre-determined destiny, but it's hugely important to my survival to LET GO of things I have no power of. This is particularly hard regarding one's children! Thank you for your blogs, and Happy New Year!

    • Linda I so agree with your comment regarding one's children. Mine are both in their 30s with children of their own and I still worry about them! Letting go would be good. I have made some progress on this in 2015.

  • Thank you so much for your post. I love the serenity prayer and try to practice it everyday in my life. Your suggestion of regular meditation is a wonderful one. I always say that I should do that, but never seem to get it done. You have inspired me...thank you. I wish you all the best in the New Year!


  • Happy New Year, Josephine… I guess it's almost that time for you (just 5 PM here.) I really enjoy your blog and all the information, comments, etc. and am glad we "met!"

  • Happy New Year, Josephine. I am so grateful for your posts, always something to think about there. May 2016 be a brilliant year!

  • Happy New Year to you and all my best wishes to you and yours......I so enjoy your blog....I
    would be interested in trying Headspace to get started in meditation which I have been seriously thinking about recently, so glad you brought it up!

  • Josephine. Can I add my best wishes for 2016 and Happy New Year to you and your family
    Your blog is an inspiration which I look forward to very much. Like others I appreciate the work that you put into it so regularly
    Taking each day at a time is something that I also aspire to sometimes with more success than others I will have a look at Headspace on your advice
    Warmest best wishes

  • Happy new year to you too. Let's hope it's a healthy one. I do enjoy your blog, good that women of our vintage can still take an interest in fashion and makeup and I do feel that if you look good you feel good. It also helps you face whatever life may choose to throw at you!!

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