Let me introduce you to The Joy Club. The Joy Club is an online forum. It is a place where you can participate in a wide range of activities Join the club to meet like-minded people and learn new skills.
The website was specially created for us older members of society. Hannah Thomson founded the club in December 2020. She was struck by how – as a society – we are not doing enough to support people in later life. The Joy Club encourages us to learn new skills, have fun and make online friends. Anybody can enjoy The Joy Club even though it was originally conceived with retired people in mind. It is good for all of us to expand our horizons and keep our bodies and minds active as we grow older.
I recently became a member of The Joy Club. We are in the process of moving house so I have been really busy recently. I still found time to join a couple of classes. The talk on “How to declutter” was extremely useful. It forced me to assess all the items that I own and ask myself “Does this bring me joy”. If the answer was no then the item was either sold, donated or recycled. It reminded me of my mother. She used to say “there is a place for everything and everything should be in its place.”

If you are not able to attend a class live there is a library where you can catch up. You can listen to recorded classes and read interesting articles. I missed the talk on skincare but was able to watch it in my own time from the “read and watch section.” The presenter explained how the skin works and how you can make your own natural skincare products. I also listened to a talk on how nutrition can help you to get a good nights sleep.
Hannah believes that “Everyone deserves a joyful retirement.” Become a member and try something new today. How about crafting or learning Tai chi You could rewatch a video, listen to an expert talk or read an interview by a fellow member.
Meet like-minded people and learn new skills
At The Joy Club, the simple membership options give you the freedom to take part in events, enjoy exclusive member-only content or get involved in a way that suits you and your lifestyle.
The Joy Club is available worldwide however you would need to check the relevant time zone.

The Joy Club initially appealed to me but in looking at the example programme I was disappointed as to how many events were
chargeable on top of the membership…
Hello Ginnie
That is strange I have not found that. I will check it out.
Hello Ginnie, they are “pay as you attend” classes, so you can pay the monthly membership fee and they are all included or you if you want to just pay for the classes you can do that too!! I love The Joy Club.
Hi Ginny
I’ve clarified with The Joy Club that all Premium members pay just £5 a month which gives unlimited access to the platform including all the live events, recorded content and articles. There’s no extra fee for the events on top of this £5 a month, plus all new members get a one-month free trial!
You may have looked at the example events programme which does show a £5 fee per event if the member is not a Premium member.
Thanks for the heads up. I am using the one month free trial.