There are some really interesting new Scandinavian brands appearing on the fashion scene. I decided to check them out. The first one I visited was the Arket flagship store in Regent Street. I was very impressed with their aesthetic. Their ‘look” resembles that of Cos, a brand that I like very much. You can see one of their tops I wore this Summer here. Arket’s clothes are simple and minimalist. They use a high proportion of natural fabrics and the range is well co-ordinated. I tried on a pair of their wide leg trousers, unfortunately, they had sold out in my size but I will persevere.
Another Scandinavian brand on the scene is Filippa K
This is a brand well on their way to producing sustainable clothes. Read about their current commitments and future projects here. I will be very interested in trying out their Front Runner wool collection.
One of my readers very kindly drew attention to the handbag and accessories brand Matt & Nat. I took a look at their website and was very impressed with their designs. They make all their products from sustainable, eco-friendly non-leather materials. Over the years they have experimented with different recycled materials. These have included nylons, cardboard, rubber and cork. and they have recently introduced recycled bicycle tires to their collections. I intend to order there Cerri cross body bag in fig as part of my new season’s wardrobe.
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I love the Scandinavian design aesthetic, especially in home decor. I cannot get enough of it!
Matt and Nat are out of Montreal, Muvh closer to home.
If you love Scandinavian design, do you shop Gudrun Sjoden? Lovely tunics and sweaters!
Hi Sue
Thank you for your recommendation I did check out the website. A bit bright and printy for me however when I am next in Covent Garden I will check out their shop.
Love Arket (no frills so of course I do) and I think in terms of fabric quality and wearability they are preferable to Cos these days. Cos clothes often look great on the stick thin models they insist on using but then look rather less alluring on my mature middle!
Heading to the Fillipa K website right now!
Hi Maureen
Thank you for your comment. I agree Cos can be a bit hit and miss regarding flattering. I am going to visit Arket again when I have more time.