Planning your wardrobe for the new season



Planning your wardrobe for the new season. It will be September 1st  in two days time.

Despite what the weather may whimsically decide to do, I always think that September is the beginning of a new season. A back to school, new term feeling.

I find that before the new season gets into full swing I like to edit my wardrobe in preparation for the new arrivals. I find that planning pays off in the long run.

With regard to new purchases here are a few guidelines that may help. You have probably heard many of them before. Personally I like to be reminded often so that I do not veer too far off course.


1. If there’s only one thing you remember it should be: “buy less, buy better”.
2. Don’t buy now: research has shown that we get a lot of pleasure from thinking about something. Think like you’ve bought it. Often, by the time you’ve come to actually buy it, you might well have changed your mind and decide that you do not really need/want it.
3. Never buy anything you like. Only buy things you love. Never buy anything that almost looks amazing. Only buy something that absolutely looks amazing. If you have an issue with even one little thing, don’t buy it.
4. The first place to shop should always be your wardrobe.
5. Be a strict custodian of your wardrobe. If possible have a one in, one out rule. Decide on a maximum number, and stick to it. (I am not so good on this one). If this is too difficult you might like to pack some items away for a while before discarding.
6. Keep your wardrobe neat and tidy. Make sure that the right garments are hanging next to each other. This helps turn randomness into order..  Work shoes next to work shoes, trousers next to trousers etc.

I stress that these are only guidelines everybody is individual and likes to do things differently. However I have found my life much easier and my wardrobe more manageable since I have implemented at least some of these rules.

Not only am I beginning to plan my new season wardrobe I am also thinking about scheduling my blog posts for the next few months.

I would love your help to do this.

I originally set up Chicatanyage in 2009 with the aim of inspiring  mature women to continue to have fun and enjoy fashion. I see my role as doing the “leg work” or these days with the internet “finger work” and offering you options that will help you plan your wardrobes and maybe try some styles that you might not otherwise have thought of.  To help you develop your own individual styles and continue to look the best that you possibly can at any age.

Please let me know what you would like more of less of or any topics you would like me to add that I may not have thought of.

I know we are all busy so to make it quicker and easier here is a list of current topics. Feel free to add to this list.

  1. How I put my looks together i.e..images of me.
  2. Polyvore outfits. Those are the ones where I show how items might work together to form a capsule wardrobe.
  3. News and views from France. How french women dress (only available when I am in France)
  4. Advice on beauty – beauty products.
  5. Role models – older women. Although I find that we all seem to be using the same women repeatedly.
  6. Other – I am sure there must be something under this category I just can’t think of anything right now.

Either leave a comment or email me at Chicatanyage(at)

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and comments. It really makes the sometimes solitary task of blogging all worthwhile.






I write a fashion and beauty blog for women over 50 with the aim of inspiring mature women to continue to enjoy and have fun with their fashion choices. I have spent most of my working life in some way connected to fashion. I started my career in Fashion PR and then trained as an Image Consultant when my children were young. I subsequently worked in the corporate world running seminars, doing private coaching and speaking at conferences. I started my blog in 2009 as I wanted to share my years of experience working in the world of fashion. I truly believe we can continue to have confidence in the way we present ourselves. Our style may evolve with time and changing lifestyles, yet with a little knowledge and inspiration, we can all continue to have fun with fashion. As women of a certain age we are a growing demographic let us prove that we can also be a chic one.

View Comments

  • Great the past I too often bought what I liked...and when I got home, I didn't like them that much. Only buy what you love it great advice. (And I do love reading your blog!)

  • Josephine. I look forward to your posts immensely as I feel you capture the look that I like so much. I think you posts putting outfits together help enormously as it is
    easy to loose confidence in what goes well together over a certain age. Often fashion magazines show features which while attractive to look at bear no resemblance to every day life. So more of these please. Thanks. Margo

  • I enjoy your blog and the way you put outfits together. I also enjoy that you link to clothing in England as well as North America. I recently moved to a small village in Eastern Ontario from the big city of Toronto. I will need to select my clothing etc. from on-line retailers and would appreciate any tips you may have in mid priced clothing and how to tell the quality.

  • I enjoy your posts, pictures very much. They have been inspiring to me in rethinking how I want to look at this stage of my life.

  • fantastic advice! I'm saving this!! Thank you for your hard work and sharing--I really appreciate it!

  • I enjoy your blog very much. You give some tips that are very useful such as packing for a holiday which I find a nightmare! I do like to see photos of how you put an outfit together too. Speaking personally I find hair styles and colour a problem at this stage of life. Thinking of growing the colour out but unsure of the best way to go about it and rather nervous as I am fair skinned and don't want to end up looking washed out. Any tips!?

  • May I make a comment to Barbara, who posted? I am very fair skinned and grew out my hair to silver gray. It is currently lower neck length and I love it. My one piece of advice is to keep your brows darker than your hair, and wear a pretty lipstick. You will not look washed out.

    • Good advice Marguerite
      My brows are still quite dark, although definitely thiner and need some careful filling in which helps a lot. It is now much easier to get advice on brows and brow bars are popping up everywhere in London.

  • I love your blog, Josephine, and you do a fantastic job, thank you. Your styling and packing tips are the best!
    To be honest, whatever interest you and grabs your attention will be of interest to us too, so please just keep on doing what you do so well.

  • Wow Thanks for all your lovely comments. I have just got back from a baby shower so will process them tomorrow when I have more time. Lots of food for thought.
    I also receive an email suggesting that I ask my readers to send in photos of themselves as role models instead of using celebrities. Let me know if you would be up for this.
    The transition to grey hair is always a tricky question. I think that I need to interview a good hairdresser. I did learn something new about this at the Dove hair event I attended recently. Will share later.

  • I love your blog, it's very helpful as well as enjoyable. I appreciate your assistance on wearing the latest trends and how you put outfits together. I also love seeing how not just French women but European women in general are dressing. I'm in Canada and am feeling like North American women don't understand the meaning of age appropriate. The fashion industry is really geared toward skinny 20 year olds, or that's how I'm feeling! You are classy, creative and current!

    • Thanks Jane
      It is a bit like that in London, certainly in the High Street but things are slowly improving.

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