Categories: France

Scarves in the market – What a choice

There is always a wide selection of scarves in the local market. A rainbow of colours. It is almost impossible to choose.  At only 5 euros each (well they are viscose and not silk or cotton) I indulged myself.  They wash well and add a pop of colour to a simple outfit.


I could not choose between these two so I bought them both

I think this is my favourite.

This one went so well with the hat how could I resist.

I noticed several french women in the market with scarves tied in this fashion, comme “un collier”.

Photos by Mr P.

Thank you for reading and I do love all your comments.



I write a fashion and beauty blog for women over 50 with the aim of inspiring mature women to continue to enjoy and have fun with their fashion choices. I have spent most of my working life in some way connected to fashion. I started my career in Fashion PR and then trained as an Image Consultant when my children were young. I subsequently worked in the corporate world running seminars, doing private coaching and speaking at conferences. I started my blog in 2009 as I wanted to share my years of experience working in the world of fashion. I truly believe we can continue to have confidence in the way we present ourselves. Our style may evolve with time and changing lifestyles, yet with a little knowledge and inspiration, we can all continue to have fun with fashion. As women of a certain age we are a growing demographic let us prove that we can also be a chic one.

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  • Hi Paula I have had a go at tying the scarf and have posted some photos with simple instructions on my Chicatanyage Fanpage if you want to check it out.

  • Lovely photos! I was just about to ask how you tie that scarf comme 'le collier' but I see there are instructions - will have a look. I have some lovely scarves that I never wear and must make more effort in the mornings!

  • The blue and pink scarf looks so pretty! I can't resist scarves either and find that they just light up the face. I'm going to try le collier.

  • many to look at, so many possibilities! Looks like fun and you picked 2 lovely wonderful ones!

  • I love scarves! We have a second home in Southern Spain and the market there likewise has a similar scarf stall - it's like a sweet shop for me, I can never resist adding to my collection!

    Like your other reader I am 5' 4'' but I do prefer the big pashmina size scarves. If you fold in half lengthways and then twist them they become thinner if needed for around the neck to accessorise an outfit - but then you can also wear them pashmina style round your shoulders or around your hips over your swimsuit to flatter you!


  • I'm glad you got both! I really love that Missoni looking one, but the blue looks so pretty on you too!
    xo Mary Jo

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