Selection of gifts for children. This is what Christmas is all about. One of the joys of Christmas is buying presents for my grandchildren and watching their excited faces as they rip open their parcels. Mine are growing up very fast. My oldest grandson wants computer games for his device, which is a bit out of my league so I think that he will have to give me some very strong hints. I have a two-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter. I think that she would love those cute little pink boots.
I have found that books and games have stood the test of time. I have spent many happy hours reading to my grandchildren and playing board games with them.
Details of above:
Mr Badgers Christmas Wish JohnLewis&Partners || Glitter ballet pumps JohnLewis&Partners || Little Me JohnLewis&Partners || Chess and droughts MarksandSpencer || Personalised Santa sack Etsy || Pink boots Nordstrom || Dozer racer MarksandSpencer.
If you missed my other gift posts you can read them here and here.
Selection of gifts for children: