Shopping for the real you

Shopping for the real you

Shopping for the real you

This post is slightly different from the ones I normally write. Let me give you a bit of background before I introduce you to the content. About a month ago I was contacted by Andrea Pflaumer who invited me to have a video chat with her about a series of interviews she was planning.

Andrea’s whole ethos is about authenticity so I was flattered to be chosen to join the panel of experts, as the main aim of this blog is to be as authentic as possible. I have spent many years working in the fashion industry and now my aim is to share my experience to assist my readers to build a sustainable practical wardrobe. and look chic at any age.

This blog was set up 10 years ago to act as an inspiration for women of all ages to continue to enjoy and have fun with fashion. Sometimes as we get older it can be easy to get stuck in a rut with regard to what we choose to wear. There is so much choice both in the shops and on the internet. I see my role as offering practical advice on how to combine existing outfits in your wardrobes in different ways and to encourage you to make practical and longlasting purchases that will work for your colouring, figure shape and lifestyle.

Now let me introduce you to Andrea Pflaumer, author of “shopping for the real you”. She has put together a series where 20+ experts, including myself, are sharing wonderful tips on fashion, beauty, lifestyle and wellness.

It’s called Shopping for the Real You: Expert Edition

In this series, you will learn:

  1. Dos and don’ts of fashion
  2. How fashion guides you in transitioning through life.
  3. How to determine if the new trend is right for you?
  4. How does your outfit affect the way you feel?
  5. What are the biggest mistakes women make in fashion?
  6. How should you be eating to live a healthy lifestyle?
  7. How to boost your self-esteem
  8. Beauty and health tips
  9. Saying yes to yourself
  10. Keeping your mind active and clear

This series covers more than just fashion as it also includes other experts in their field who will talk about beauty, lifestyle and wellness.

Not only will I be a guest on the series but I will be attending it as well! It is free. So what are you waiting for? Join me by clicking HERE

You will find answers to so many questions ..

and so much more…

I remain open to learning new things as I believe it helps us stay young in both body and mind. This series will be as much of a mystery tour for me as for you. To join me and many others by clicking HERE.

PS. I signed up this weekend and I received a free 7-page download which is packed with useful information and which I spen most of yesterday reading.


  1. Brenda
    8th July 2019 / 16:47

    I very much look forward to learning so much more

  2. Anon
    8th July 2019 / 17:42

    Signed up. Ready to learn. Great idea, BTW!

  3. Beverly
    8th July 2019 / 21:47

    Thank you! This post was at the perfect moment for me. Been reading your Blog for awhile now & thoroughly enjoy it.

  4. 9th July 2019 / 12:32

    Glad you will be joining me on this interesting series.

  5. Marilyn L
    9th July 2019 / 18:51

    Signed up for the free videos. Ready to give it a whirl and reinvent myself.

  6. 9th July 2019 / 22:03

    Signed up and looking forward to what this series has to offer!

    Elaine @ Following Augustine

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