Should we become invisible after 50?

Sketch by Dee



Should we become invisible after 50?

I don’t think so.



I was waving the flag for women over 50 to have the confidence to be visible and to continue to enjoy fashion.

Here is a transcript of my talk which I thought you might be interested in reading:-


At 50, despite being tech dyslexic, with no experience in social media, photography or modelling I started my blog Chicatanyage and accidentally became a fashion blogger and role model for women over 50.

Chicatanyage is a blog designed to inspire women of all ages to continue to enjoy and have fun with fashion. It is a supportive community where women can leave comments about fashion, style, beauty and growing older.

You may not be 50 now, one day you will be. We are a growing demographic. Should we fade away and become invisible? No I don’t think so. Let us break some of the old rules and wear what we love. Wearing a favourite outfit and a bright lipstick has helped me through many difficult times in my life. Clothes are not who we are however they have the power to communicate without saying a word. What do we want to communicate to the world as mature women?

No more invisibility. Why should our fashion choices be defined by age.

Let us be stylish and chic role models for our daughters and grand-daughters and change the perspective of becoming older.”


I would love you to share this post and help spread the message that as older women we still want to engage with life and if we choose continue to have fun and enjoy looking chic and stylish in our own individual way.





I write a fashion and beauty blog for women over 50 with the aim of inspiring mature women to continue to enjoy and have fun with their fashion choices. I have spent most of my working life in some way connected to fashion. I started my career in Fashion PR and then trained as an Image Consultant when my children were young. I subsequently worked in the corporate world running seminars, doing private coaching and speaking at conferences. I started my blog in 2009 as I wanted to share my years of experience working in the world of fashion. I truly believe we can continue to have confidence in the way we present ourselves. Our style may evolve with time and changing lifestyles, yet with a little knowledge and inspiration, we can all continue to have fun with fashion. As women of a certain age we are a growing demographic let us prove that we can also be a chic one.

View Comments

  • I totally agree. I have found that as I get older, I KNOW myself better, and my closet holds things that I actually wear on a regular basis. Having fun with fashion, make-up, sunglasses, etc. makes my work much more enjoyable (for me AND the people I work with!). I don't want to be loud or garish, and I certainly stick with a natural make-up look--except for bright lipstick--but I will definitely wear bold jewelry and interesting clothes, most of which I make! Safe and boring is not for me! (See me on facebook if you want proof!)

  • Ahhh, that magical number 50. Very nearly there but don't feel a jot over 30 and I don't intend to change anything, I love noting the way my teenage daughters dress and the adapting the style to suit myself. Not combat boots and whipped jeans, but still I like to keep a modern edge. When one feels good in what we are wearing it's amazing how much more confidence we have.

  • Excellent. I wish I could have been there to hear your talk. Not being invisible is a crusade of mine. Yesterday at book club, out of 7 women, my age, I was the only one wearing any color. My mind drifted to the invisibility issue. Our crusade continues!

  • Sorry auto correct jumped in, I meant to say ripped jeans, cannot even imagine what whipped jeans are!!!

  • 50? you are so young!!!!try being 75, your advice is still relevant, and to top i all I am a french woman who reads you assiduously.

    Annie v.

    • Glad to meet you Annie and thanks for reading my blog. 50 seems a long time ago. I am actually 65.

  • Great conversation. I am 70 next year and have difficulty finding clothes I can get excited about or clothes which are not repeats of things in my wardrobe I already love to wear. Your ideas are inspiring. I also tend to look to the Italians, Spaniards and French for inspiration. They are classic but imaginative and not at all frumpy.

    (I have even walked around the Salamanca district of Madrid people watching. A year or so ago the women our age there looked wonderful in their well-cut jeans teamed with a tailored jacket and silk scarf. We all have nice clothes, it is knowing how to put them together. Thank you Chicatanyage!)
    hen I think other older women look good, they are almost always wearing a stunning colour in an imaginative way. I must stop filling my wardrobe totally with neutrals and black!

    • I agree about the colour Kathryn and you can't beat a well cut pair of jeans and a tailored jacket. My scarf wardrobe is enormous I am a scarf junkie.

  • I also look to French women for inspiration and have a lovely book on Parisian Chic, so imagine how pleased I was when I was recently complimented as looking very chic and French in my trench and 'red beret,' bought after reading your, also, very inspiring blog. Invisible at 72? Not me !

  • For some unnamed reason I thought my interest in clothes/fashion would diminish [if not disappear!] after 55! Here I am at 58 and happy to report: Untrue! I do think health plays a large part! Look out world! A woman who will tell you her age will tell anything!

  • I am always inspired by the women in Palm Springs. I love seeing the bold makeup and jewelry and youthful attire, no matter what
    their age.

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