Spring parkas a la Parisiennes

Spring parkas a la parisiennes

Since my visit to Paris last December I have been looking for a parka A la parisienne street style. I have finally found one that works well for me. It is grey, a better colour for me than khaki. The parka I am wearing is by JDWilliams (US & UK). It comes in sizes 10 to 32 uk and 6 to 28 US. It is lightly padded so warm enough worn over a thick sweater now or later with a simple tee. The hood is detachable.

The cream sweater I am wearing is by Winserlondon last season. Similar wool cashmere roll neck at House of Fraser (reduced from £69 to £39) Classic black trousers by Winserlondon

Fabulous photo by Laura Hines. Follow her on Instagram. Yes it is my car. Getting old now but still going well. Like me!

Parkas with faux fur hoods

I noticed that the uniform de rigeur in the streets of Paris was the parka, preferably with a faux fur hood.

Parkas for Spring

Lace up brogues by Paul Green similar styles at Nordstrom or Peter Hahn UKParka with faux fur hood

Even though Spring is just round the corner we still have a way to go, certainly here in London, before the temperatures begin to rise.

The parka is an all year round cover up, well certainly if you live anywhere in the Northern hemisphere. You can wear a parka now with a chunky sweater or later in the year over a simple tee or summer dress on a chilly evening. Many styles have detachable hoods.

parka with faux fur hood

All photos by Laura Hines. Follow her on Instagram.



  1. 24th February 2017 / 13:01

    Detachable hood is good; detachable fur is even better. When you get a cool spell in early spring, you just don’t want to see fur anymore, yet you need a winter coat.
    Happily, I live where winters are mild and short. We walk around in these parkas but with the zipper open!
    Regardless of the temps, don’t forget the extra-long scarf wound around and around and around your neck.

  2. 24th February 2017 / 14:13

    I’ve been searching for a stylish parka that doesn’t make me look like I’ve just walked out of topshop – thank you!

    • 24th February 2017 / 14:18

      Glad you like it Jennifer. I am finding it very useful.

    • 24th February 2017 / 18:18

      Glad you like it Jennifer. It is a good workhorse piece.

  3. Ann
    24th February 2017 / 15:10

    You AND your parka AND your car are fabulous! Together and separately. 🙂

    • 24th February 2017 / 18:17

      Thank you Ann
      The car is getting old but it still works well a bit like me and I do still love it.

      • Caroline Enfissi
        25th February 2017 / 20:24

        Sorry the car is just a fake perpetrated by BMW. Nothing beats a proper Mini, preferably with the ols sliding windows.

        • 27th February 2017 / 12:41

          Hi Caroline
          Yes I know however when I occasionally see one of the original minis it really does look tiny. Not sure it would be suitable for current motorway traffic.

  4. Christine
    24th February 2017 / 17:08

    You look fabulous in this but you must stop these temptations!!!

    • 24th February 2017 / 18:16

      Hi Christine
      Sorry about the temptations. I can resist anything but temptation!

  5. Linda
    24th February 2017 / 19:02

    Love the coat and the car.

  6. 24th February 2017 / 20:02

    The parka looks great on you and I guess it’s warm and comfortable too. It would be perfect in Norway. Wish you a great weekend.

  7. 24th February 2017 / 21:34

    I really like the gray tone of your parka. Faux fur is always fun and can feel so cozy trimming a hood. I also love your pom-pom knit hat, it looks so warm! Thank you for sharing with Hat Attack!

  8. Karen
    24th February 2017 / 21:53

    I love the parka and I love the MINI! My husband and I recently purchased our second MINI. I think I had better use it to go in search of a parka. Yours looks wonderful on you. ☺

  9. 25th February 2017 / 01:05

    Great looking parka, Josephine! And I love your car…so cute!!

    • 25th February 2017 / 09:50

      Did not realise I would be promoting minis! I do love them. Th original model mini was the first car I had in my early 20s

  10. 25th February 2017 / 02:52

    You look adorable in that parka, with the fur hood(last picture ): love it!!! As for the car: so, so perfect.

  11. 26th February 2017 / 01:42

    I love this picture of you…so cute. Great smile!

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