The Importance of Relationships

I started to write a few new years resolutions or intentions, the usual things, more exercise, look after self better plus some things I want to achieve like improving my photography skills and learning to speak better french.  Yet all of these paled into insignificance compared to the most important one which is paying more attention to my relationships, especially my friendships. Life can be so busy and hectic that we can easily forget to write that letter, send the email or pick up the phone for no better reason than just to have a chat. So the top intention is to make more time to communicate with and if possible see more of my friends in 2012. 
Relationships are an essential part of being human.  Our relationships with others are what help to shape us as we travel along life’s path.  We have a natural desire and need to belong, to have a sense of how we fit into the grater scheme of things.  This may take the form of being part of our community at work or simply the pleasure we get from interacting with a group of like minded people.
Our relationships and the way we connect and communicate with others become even more important as we grow older.  We begin to realise with ever increasing clarity how vital to our health and well being are our networks of family, friends and colleagues.  They are there to celebrate life’s triumphs and support us during life’s trials and difficulties.

Relationships, like everything else in life need nurturing in order to flourish.  Where we put our attention is where we will get our results.  If we want to have warm, caring relationships we will need to devote time and energy in cultivating them.  Relationships are like plants.  If we do not feed and water them they will wither away and die.

My aunt, who lived well into her late eighties, was one of the most sociable people I ever knew.  She had an amazing ability to make new friends wherever she went.  She was friendly with nearly all the neighbours in her street and really fostered a sense of community.  As far as she was concerned there was no age barrier, she was just as at ease playing with children, chatting to a 20 year old or offering a kind word of comfort to a friend in need.  One of her secrets was her insatiable curiosity and genuine interest in people. She was not well off materially yet she lived a full and rewarding life.
 “Are we putting as much time and energy into our relationships as we would like?” If the answer is no what can we do to remedy this.  Maybe something as simple as a picking up the phone or using the old fashioned “snail mail” and send a card. 
Make an effort to keep in touch.  It will pay dividends in the long run to living a rich and fulfilling life.

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Fashion and Style, Beauty tips, Lifestyle


  1. 2nd January 2012 / 14:05

    You are so right. I’ve found that in life, and I’m not sure whether it’s because of all the years I’ve lived in France or simply getting older, that a minimum of effort and kindness rebounds a million times over.

    Relationships are good for our health.

    Happy, happy new year, my dear.


  2. 2nd January 2012 / 14:46

    I know I deserved it, whenever a friendship broke up in the past. For today I prefer any kind of mail. I noticed some friends like to call me when they are on their way home from work or on their way to the gym, they call from their mobile phone and squeeze the call in. Often the call starts the moment they leave their office and ends the moment they arrive at home or at the gym. I am not sure what use those calls make in the end. You can tell they are being distracted, while walking or driving. If a call, then please from your couch, with a cup of tea or coffee by your side. And not as a distraction!
    I guess I can call myself lucky, having any friends at all, being such a stern friend, no?

    A joyful new year to you and I like all your resolutions!

    I only have one: no more internet past 10m. And no more films past 10pm, because I want to spend more time in the evening reading, which means I have to cut down other entertainments. This is going to be a tough one!

  3. 3rd January 2012 / 02:03

    This post resonates so much with me. The top goal of 2012 is to stay more connected with people, and I plan to send our real snail mail in addition to quick emails.

    I absolutely agree with making time for a real phone chat. I was trying to explain to my sister why I hadn’t called her back; I really wanted a nice hour long chat.

    Have a great New Year

  4. Anonymous
    3rd January 2012 / 09:19

    Very true! The importance of relationships came home very strongly when my mother died recently. The friends that sent cards, flowers, visited were so appreciated!

    I have tried hard to keep in touch, keep organising get-togethers etc. because I agree that our relationships are quite possibly the most valuable thing we have.


  5. 3rd January 2012 / 12:17

    Great sentiments – the best New Year’s resolution I’ve read for a very long time. Mother, who passed away more than 10 years ago, always maintained that it was relationships and not money that made you a rich or a poor person.
    Warm regards.

  6. Zoe
    3rd January 2012 / 13:29

    Lovely blog and agree with every word. Love the little tigers and the women in shorts!

    Wishing you a fabulous, fulfilling and rewarding New Year.

    Zoe xx

  7. 5th January 2012 / 20:36

    Fellowship and good conversation are my top, personal goals this year.

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