
Wishing you a Happy & Prosperous New Year

A walk on Pampalonne beach St.Tropez on New Years Day

I am not a great fan of making new years resolutions or particularly looking back on the previous year. My preference is to keep moving foward and updating as I go. There is always new informaton being introduced into the system. Especially these days everything tends to be speeding up and I sometimes find myself having to run to keep up.

As I write this post I am having to come to grips with the new wordpress update so bear with me if there are any glitches. The only consolution is accroding to current research if we continue to challenge our brains and make them work hard to solve problems they continue to grow and make new synapses.

A good read

I am currently reading a book on the subject of getting older. It is entitled BOLDER making the most of our longer lives by Carl Honoré and has practical advice on how to stay healthy and fit as we age together with some very encouraging examples of how our perception of ageing is slowing beginning to change. Let us make the most of our potentially longer lives. It is my belief that we can continue, provided we have good health, to lead an active and productive life at any age. The author stresses that we should eat a healthy diet, take moderate exercise and keep our brains active.

On the subject of change

I shall be making some changes to my blog this year. My outfit posts and my popular capsule wardrobe collages will continue to be featured on a regular basis. However, I also intend to diversify and include other lifestyle subjects that I feel will be of interest as we continue to travel this path of continuing to live active and healthy lives at whatever age we are. I shall shortly be introducing a monthly post on nutrition written by my neice who is a qualified nutritionist.

I also feel that there is a growing movement to sustainability. That we need to become more conscious consumers. In my opinion gone are the days of fast disposable fashion. I have long advocated on this blog the best policy to create an elegant and well curated wardrobe is to buy better and buy less. Investing in good quality fabrics and well cut items that suit our lifestyle pays dividends in the end.

Personally I intend to streamline my wardrobe this coming year. I shall be sticking to simple colours and cuts and ringing the changes with the addition of scarves and jewellery.

Looking after your mental as well as physical health is also an important factor in living a well-balanced life. I shall be limiting my time on my digital devices and making more time to communicate with people face to face. I find that I have been missing that interaction. It is so easy to get into the habit of just communicating with people online.

Wishing you all the best and do let me know if there are any particular subjects you would like me to cover on this blog. In the meantime I shall be spending as much time out in nature as possible,


I write a fashion and beauty blog for women over 50 with the aim of inspiring mature women to continue to enjoy and have fun with their fashion choices. I have spent most of my working life in some way connected to fashion. I started my career in Fashion PR and then trained as an Image Consultant when my children were young. I subsequently worked in the corporate world running seminars, doing private coaching and speaking at conferences. I started my blog in 2009 as I wanted to share my years of experience working in the world of fashion. I truly believe we can continue to have confidence in the way we present ourselves. Our style may evolve with time and changing lifestyles, yet with a little knowledge and inspiration, we can all continue to have fun with fashion. As women of a certain age we are a growing demographic let us prove that we can also be a chic one.

View Comments

  • Happy New Year to you too, Josephine. The proposed changes to the blog content sound perfect to me, thank you. I read every post you write and always enjoy them. Best wishes.

  • Looking forward to the extra pieces in the blog . I read each one and find them a very refreshing change from the usual ones. Perhaps you have found a particular niche. I certainly appreciate every one being an over 50. PLEASE KEEP IT UP.

  • Hi, Josephine, Happy New Year! I love your blog, and would really like you to stick to your tried and tested topics of fashion, wardrobe management, colour and style. The world and his wife is writing about lifestyle, nutrition, exercise and sustainability. What I have loved about your blog is that it sticks (has stuck) to a distinctive style and done it very well. I fear that if you diversify, you will lose your unique voice. Thank you for all the inspiration anyway... Kate x

    • Hi Kate
      I am definitely going to stick to the same format on style so rest assured that this will be the main topic for the blog. The post on nutrition will only be once a month and there is a personal story behind it. I might also occasionally cover the subject of stress from a meditation point of view. This has been popular in the past and regular meditation has greatly helped me.

  • Happy New Year, Josephine! I look forward to seeing what you offer us in 2019.

    Elaine @ Following Augustine

  • Josephine,
    Kate, in her comments, said everything so well. I enjoy your blog the way you currently write it and agree with her about the current trend in blog writing. You do a wonderful service to those of us who are "trying to dress" well, with style, and at a reasonable price point. I enjoy each and every one of your posts. Thanks for the good work and Happy New Year!

  • I don't like too many changes, I have to confess, so tend to agree somewhat with Kate regarding nutrition etc

    I really enjoy reading about your travels and your choice of clothes and absolutely agree with you regarding slimming down one's wardrobe. I have tried to do so but have been left with a wardrobe full of black and white clothes. I don't mind but my husband often asks if I am "going to a funeral" which is off-putting! So I am adding some colourful cardigans and jackets this year. Oddly two people have commented "that colour suits you"!!

    I am also adding to my wardrobe of scarves. These are cheap and cheerful.

    I have the basic items but am slowly going to discard the cheaper garments and replace with something better.

    Happy New Year to you and to your Followers.

    • Hi Mary

      Thank you for your comment. It sounds as though you are on track with your wardrobe. I too learnt to wear more colour after getting great compliments whenever I added a touch of colour to my outfits, especially around my face. Scarves are definitely my go-to accessory, so easy to just grab one and go.

      Don't worry there will not be that many changes just a few minor additions.

  • Hi Josephine, happy new year. I was really pleased to read your blog today. Your sentiments on buying less I entirely agree with. I have decided to only buy clothes that I really need and not just random items which hardly ever go with anything else in my wardrobe. My sister always throws out the old when she buys a new item. I find that really hard to do.
    Looking forward to your new style blog, maybe we can see some of photos when you are out and about enjoying nature.
    Thank you for all the interesting blogs I really enjoy all of them. X

    • Hi Susan
      Thanks for your comment. I am not very good with the one in one out strategy for clothes. I sometimes keep my good items for 10 years. I pack them away carefully (luckily I have an underground garage which is like keeping them in cold storage) and often when I get them out I fall in love with them again.

      • On a similar level, anything I'm fed up with seeing and not wearing in my wardrobe goes first into a spare wardrobe earmarked for the charity shop. If it's still there after the next season it's gone. And yes there have been a few minor regrets over time but as you say, no looking back.

  • I agree with the ladies above on the reasons I enjoy reading your blog.
    I am excited that you will be including advice about nutrition. My (U.S.) health care plan does not cover a nutritionist (only a dietician, which has given antiquated advice to both my husband and daughter) so I am left to my own devices. It is overwhelming to find the truth behind all the "research." You folks in the UK are so much further ahead on this subject. I look forward to these and all your diversified posts.

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Tags: Over60

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