Wishing you all a happy and prosperous 2020

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Walking on a beach is a great way to start a New Year.

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous 2020. I don’t know whether any of you have the same experience but I have a real sense of time speeding up. Where did the last year go? It is the beginning of a new year and a new decade. What lies ahead? None of us really know; some of what happens will be under our control and some won’t. My philosophy is that we just have to make the best of what life presents us with.

Having taken several weeks off to rest and recharge my batteries I am feeling ready to re-engage and embrace new opportunities. I have been having great fun here in the South of France, going for long walks in the glorious winter sunshine, spending time with friends and exploring St. Tropez market. I have found some gorgeous scarves in the market which will be available in the Chicatanyage shop when it opens again in mid-January.

I have a feeling that this year is going to be a fast-paced and exciting one. As my age coincides with the decades I will be celebrating a significant birthday in July. We are also planning a house move which will be time-consuming and a bit scary as I have lived in the same area of London for nearly fifty years. We are expecting another addition to the family in early June so I will have four grandchildren to keep me busy,

I will continue to publish my blog posts; however I will probably be going from two to one post a week if life gets very hectic. The subjects I will be covering are fashion, beauty and nutritional advice plus delicious recipes once a month. I strongly believe that we can continue to look chic and elegant at any age. If there are any subjects you would like me to cover or areas you would like me to research do let me know in the comments section. My philosophy has always been to buy well and buy wisely.

As well as spending time relaxing, reading and watching some Netflix series I have been doing some internet surfing and exploring the sales. Here is a selection I have chosen for you to peruse.

What are your plans for 2020? Do you anticipate any major changes in your life?

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I don’t really make New Years’s resolutions however I do intend to chill out more and have more fun,

JOHNLEWIS&PARTNERS: – I have chosen dresses as I think that they will transition well into Spring.

BODEN: – Some great jackets and sweaters that I have previously featured on the blog now on sale.

MARKSANDSPENCER: – Many styles low in stock. Good for stocking up on underwear.

HOPEFASHIONUK: – I plan to stock up on their foundation pieces which I find extremely useful plus they have some great sweaters on sale. 70% off some items.

ARKET: – Sustainable brand I found some good pieces there this season

MEandEM – Good for sweaters and tops. Up to 70% reductions

COS: Always a good brand for clean minimalist silhouettes


  1. Margo
    1st January 2020 / 15:16

    Hi Josephine. Wishing you a Happy and healthy 2020. I am only one year behind you in age and agree that time is galloping past at an ever increasing rate. Please keep you clothing posts coming as I have bought several things that you have suggested as I am a similar shape to you although unfortunately not the same colouring
    The brands that you focus on are definitely my favourites too

    I am glad that you feel refreshed after your break and look forward very much to seeing your posts this year
    Best wishes. Margo

    • 2nd January 2020 / 10:47

      Hello Margo
      Thank you for your comment. I will definitely keep the fashion posts coming. I also hope to research some more interesting and sustainable brands in the coming year.

  2. Ann Yates
    1st January 2020 / 15:37

    What a lovely spot to welcome 2020. Look forward to seeing your new scarves. I love the purple wool one I have from you.

    • 2nd January 2020 / 10:45

      Glad you like the scarf. I have found some very exciting ones in St.Tropez which will be available mid-January.

  3. Helen
    1st January 2020 / 16:29

    Hi Josephine, looking forward to your 2020 blogs which I enjoy very much indeed. Venturing into my 81st year, I am very much interested in health news, nutrition, and fashion which you supply in good detail. Thank you.

    • 2nd January 2020 / 10:43

      Thank you for your comment Helen. I will continue to write posts on nutrition with an emphasis on healthy eating and fashion.

  4. Wendy
    1st January 2020 / 17:11

    That beach picture is fabulous. Happy New Year!

  5. 7747p
    1st January 2020 / 18:06

    I love receiving your news. Lots of interesting ideas in your sale picks. You mentioned you are moving-are you downsizing? We did this a few years ago and it is not for the faint hearted! So much stuff and life to go through. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2020.

    • 2nd January 2020 / 10:41

      Thank you for your comment. We are not really downsizing more looking for a different configuration and a small garden. I will definitely be getting rid of a lot of stuff! Our local charity shops are going to do well.

  6. Angela in NZ
    1st January 2020 / 21:32

    I hope you feel the same about moving out of town as we do since we left the central suburbs of our largest city in New Zealand. Providing you still have good transport links you’ll feel reinvigorated and wonder what all of the fuss was about sticking with the familiar. We’re only 45km from the CBD but a world away in our environment. It’s also had a knock on effect with the way I shop. No shops close by to constantly tempt me. My wardrobe has shrunk considerably as there is less pressure to compete with the working population. Everything now has to be dual purpose: everyday wear and suitable for travelling which we are now fully embracing. I do sometimes miss dressing up but as long as I feel pulled together my new smart casual lifestyle suits me well. And what is it about the older you get the faster the time seems to go! Anyone who thinks retirement must make time drag is completely wrong from our viewpoint. The best piece of advice I can offer about moving is that you carry your memories in your mind and stuff doesn’t necessarily enhance them. Good luck with all you do in 2020 and have fun creating new memories. Best wishes from NZ.

    • 2nd January 2020 / 10:38

      Hi Angela
      Thank you for your lovely long comment. Yes, I have made sure that we will have good transport links, especially to my son and daughter and grandchildren, Once we move it will be interesting to see how my wardrobe evolves. We are not planning to go into the depth of the countryside.

  7. 2nd January 2020 / 00:06

    Happy New Year, Josephine! I’m glad you’ve been able to take some time off and relax. I’m looking forward to seeing you in April!

    • 2nd January 2020 / 10:35

      Yes, the rest really did me good. I intend to spend more time with friends and family and in nature and less on my devices this year

  8. 3rd January 2020 / 17:34

    My husband of 62 years died last July and in November I decided our house way out in the country was far too big for me and the large garden impossible to manage. One night, around 3 a.m (!) I came up with the idea of doing a swap with our Younger Son. He had a tiny flat close to shops, a theatre, lots of restaurants and public transport! He and his wife jumped at my suggestion and I am now the proud “owner” of a one bedroom flat.
    Living on my own after all those years has been a challenge but I am fortunate that I have three wonderful Offspring who look after me and I am settled here.
    Clearing clutter from the 1960’s was quite a challenge and I dithered over hanging on to stuff for sentimental reasons and the fact that many had cost a lot! I found it easier to dispose of the latter rather than the former!
    I made a resolution in November that I would change some of my old ways. I have added colour to my wardrobe! I am accepting all invitations even when I feel like staying home with a good book. There are times I feel a twinge of guilt as if I shouldn’t be enjoying myself yet I know my husband would be cross with me for feeling like that. I miss him but am grateful for all those wonderful years.
    I am still learning about fashion from you. Josephine, and from comments made by other people here Thank you for enjoyable blogs.

    A Very Happy New Year to One and All.

    • 5th January 2020 / 08:30

      Thank you for your lovely long comment. What a great idea to swap houses with your son. I certainly agree that we need to be close to shops, public transport etc. We are doing our homework and have identified two areas that we think will suit our lifestyle going forward. I have already done a lot of clutter clearing but have a lot more to do when I return from France.
      Glad you find my blog useful.

  9. 7th January 2020 / 11:19

    It is not really surprising that time appears to ‘speed up’ as we grow older. When you are 5 years old, one year is one fifth (20% )of your lived life. When you are 50 years old it is one fiftieth (2%) of your lived life. Extrapolating, by the time we reach 100 a year it will be just 1% of our lived life. I guess we just have to make each minute count!

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